
Calvary Hospital

P: 866-888-6680 or 718-518-2465 | W: www.calvaryhospital.org
Calvary Hospital provides palliative care to adult patients in the advanced stages of cancer, and other life-limiting illnesses. Patients can receive hospice services in their homes, nursing homes or assisted living facility. Available to patients with Medicare Part A, physician certified terminal illness or those who have a life expectancy of 6 months of less. Similar benefits are provided through private insurances. If you are interested in their services call the number listed above.

Metropolitan Jewish Hospice

P: 800-HOSPICE | W: www.hospicenyc.org
MJHS Hospice and Palliative Care is dedicated to serving the needs of New Yorkers facing life-limiting illnesses. As one of the largest hospice and palliative care programs in the region, we are committed to delivering compassionate, expert care, and providing comfort. Patients can receive hospice services in their homes, assisted living communities, nursing homes, hospice residences, or hospitals across Greater New York and Nassau County. Services are covered by Medicare/Medicaid, managed care (including HMOs), private insurance, other third-party payers or private pay. If you are interested in their services call the number listed above.

VNS Hospice & Bereavement

P: 800-675-0391 | W: vnsny.org
Hours of Operation: 24 hours, 7 days a week
For more than 30 years, VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care has provided comfort, relief, and peace of mind to individuals with advanced or life-limiting illness and their families. VNSNY provides hospice care, emotional support, bereavement services, personal care and caregiver support. Their services are covered by Medicare/Medicaid, private health insurance, private pay or charitable care. Translation is available in Spanish, Russian, Chinese and Korean.