Virtual Program and Zoom Tips

Please review the following considerations to enhance the experience of all participants in virtual activities via the video conferencing platform, Zoom.


  • Desktop or Laptop: Visit to download.
  • iPhone or iPad: Visit the App Store, search and download Zoom Cloud Meetings.
  • Android Phone or Tablet: Visit the Google Play store, search and download Zoom Cloud Meetings.


  • On the morning of your scheduled activity you will receive an email containing all relevant Zoom information. At the time of your activity, click the red “Click Here To Join” button provided in the email.
  • Conversely, you may launch the Zoom app and join using the “Meeting ID” which is included in the email for each activity.
  • If you do not have access to a computer or mobile device, you may also call into the activity using the Phone Number and Meeting ID provided to you in the activity email.
  • Upon entry into the Zoom meeting please be sure to enter your first name ONLY.
  • We recommend signing in 5 to 10 minutes prior to the start of the activity.


  • Meetings will start on time. Please sign on a few minutes before start time. If you join late, please do not interrupt the conversation and wait until there is a natural opening.
  • Virtual Dress Code. Although there is not a virtual dress code, the expectation is that you will dress as if you were participating in person (Reminder: participants can see you).
  • Be present for each other and refrain from external distractions …
    • Silence your phone and please do not check emails or read texts during group (unless it is an emergency).
    • Minimize outside distractions like your sweet animals, background music, etc.

    • Be focused and engaged. Refrain from multitasking during participation
  • One person should talk at a time and allow everyone an opportunity to speak
  • Please do not eat or drink while participating.

  • Confidentiality and privacy. Help ensure a sense of safety and comfort by making sure you are in a non-public place and behind closed doors where others cannot see or hear the group conversation. Wearing headphones is a helpful way to ensure the privacy of others and minimize distractions. Please do not audio or video record any part of the group discussion.


  • Please remain on mute until you are ready to share.
  • If using a phone or computer with a camera…
    • Try to position your camera to be at eye level for more direct engagement with other meeting participants.
    • We encourage you to use video, which can lead to increased group connection and optimal support.
    • Avoid excessive movement of your screen by keeping your phone or computer on a stable surface. If you need to temporarily step away from your computer, turn the video and speaker off; this will make it less distracting for other members.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings. Spend a couple of minutes before the meeting starts to find a comfortable spot in a quiet location where you will not need to move or be disrupted/distracted.
  • Find a spot with good lighting. If possible, find a spot with natural lighting. If you have lights on, make sure they are not behind you and backlighting your face (putting it in shadow).

For additional assistance with Zoom and/or activity registration, please contact:

  • Jessilyn Torres at 917-232-8324 (Mon-Thurs 9-12)