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Medical Debt: What to Do, When to Do It and How to Handle Debt Collectors

On Thursday, November 16th, 2023 we were honored to have Vivienne Duncan, Cancer Advocacy Project, and Elder Law Projects present on Medical Debt: What to Do, When to Do It and How to Handle Debt Collectors. With the high cost of medical treatment, many cancer patients are at risk of incurring huge debt. This presentation focused on steps that can be taken prior to treatment to avoid, or reduce the amount of, out-of-pocket medical costs. It included the rights of patients faced with substantial hospital bills and provide information that will assist in negotiations with hospitals and medical providers. For patients, whose debts have been sent to collections, there was advice about their rights under the debt protection law. In either case, knowledge of legal rights can increase the ability to negotiate from a position of strength. For a list of resources from this lecture and to learn more, please visit here.